Sunday, October 30, 2011

Peerihal zakat

As-salam =)

Aku ingatkan semakin manusia dilimpahi wang ringgit akan makin sujud kepada Allah S.WT. Sangkaan aku sama sekali meleset! Khamis, 27.10.2011 bersamaan 29 Zulkaedah 1432, aku dan mama telah ke Masjid Permatang Gedong Sg. Petani untuk satu ceramah berkaitan zakat. Dalam ceramah tersebut, Dato’ Ghazali, Setiausaha Bahagian Pungutan Zakat Daerah Kota Kuala Muda ada menyentuh mengenai zakat-zakat yang berjaya dikutip dari umat Islam sekitar daerah ini. Ya Allah. Tak sangka masih ramai yang gagal menunaikan Rukun Islam ke-4! Yang aku ingat dengan jelas mengenai jumlah zakat ialah zakat padi. Dianggarkan sejumlah RM48, 000, 000.00 zakat padi yang sepatutnya diterima Pejabat Zakat, tetapi alangkah sedihnya bila jumlah yang diterima hanya lebih kurang 3% daripadanya sahaja, iaitu sebanyak RM1, 400, 000.00. Dato’ Ghazali ada sebut dalam ceramahnya, “Patutlah Allah S.W.T turunkan bala di Malaysia!”. Aku sangat terkejut! Tiba-tiba rasa menggeletar seluruh badan.

Aku insaf sekejap. Ramai yang tak ambil pusing hal zakat rupanya! Ya Allah. Bak kata Dato’ Ghazali, “Patut la siput gedong duk lapaq makan padi. Banjiaq duk mai ja tenggelamkan bendang. Rupanya tuan tanah lupa bayaq zakat”. Patutlah!

Kata Dato’ Ghazali lagi, kalau nak diikutkan jumlah keseluruhan pungutan zakat tak mampu nak diagihkan kepada ramai orang. Dalam erti kata lain, hanya mereka yang benar-benar layak sahaja yang akan diberikan zakat. Zakat Fisabilillah terpaksa tolak tepi sebab perlu dahulukan zakat kepada keluarga-keluarga Islam miskin. Akan tetapi Pejabat Zakat usahakan juga tetap beri zakat Fisabilillah dan zakat-zakat yang lain. “Depa duk corek duit tang mana tak tau!” tambah Dato’ Ghazali.

Sebagai seorang bakal penjawat awam, Alhamdulillah aku tak perlu bimbang mengenai pembayaran zakat kerana bahagian zakat tersebut akan dipotong terus dari gaji bulanan aku. Sekurang-kurangnya dengan cara ini membantu aku dan penjawat awam yang lain untuk terus menunaikan zakat. Dato’ Ghazali dalam ucapannya ada menyentuh mengenai potongan gaji bagi pembayaran zakat penjawat awam. Beliau berkata rakyat Malaysia perlu berterima kasih dengan penjawat-penjawat awam di Malaysia kerana tanpa mereka, Malaysia akan ditimba lebih banyak bala dan bencana. Ini sebagai balasan dari Allah S.W.T kerana tidak menunaikan zakat. Aku setuju! Ya Allah! Lalainya hamba-Mu!

Aku rasa adalah menjadi tanggungjawab aku untuk maklumkan kepada Muslimin dan Muslimat yang lain mengenai status pembayaran zakat di Malaysia. Walaupun situasi yang aku ceritakan di atas berlaku di dalam Daerah Kota Kuala Muda, Kedah, tapi aku percaya di negeri-negeri lain juga perkara yang hampir sama berlaku.

Wallahu ‘alam.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Payung bukan sahabat baik perempuan!

As-salam =)

Sudah hampir 3 tahun aku bertapa di IPGKTB sebagai guru pelatih aliran PJ. Berbagai karenah yang aku dah nampak, baik di IPG sendiri mahu pun di sekolah. Ayat lazim yang tak akan terlepas dari lubang telinga aku ialah:

"Blajaq pa PJ tinggi-tinggi? Nanti pi skolah duk bawah payung jugak. Budak main netball, cikgu duk pakai kebaya sendat terjerit-jerit dari bawah payung!"

Hmm.. setiap kali dengar orang cakap macam tu, setiap kali tu la telinga aku panas, berdesing pun ada! Hello! Segelintir cikgu aje yang akan buat macam tu, okay? Tak perlu lah nak samakan setiap orang. Aku terkejar-kejar, jatuh bangun, tidur lewat... pendek kata berusaha gigih nak dapatkan Ijazah PJK tu. Bukan senang-senang, tahu?

Sigh! Sigh! Sigh! 

Di entri yang lepas bertajuk Coaching or Courting?, aku ada tulis mengenai hari aku sebagai seorang pengadil Bola Jaring di satu sekolah di Sg. Petani, Kedah. Aku dan mama jadi pengadil untuk sekurang-kurangnya enam perlawanan (kot? haha!) berbentuk liga. Muka aku yang dah sedia burn, bertambah burn lagi! Muka pun jadi pedih-pedih dek cuaca yang terlalu terik. Okay, itu satu bukti yang agak kukuh untuk buktikan payung bukan sahabat baik perempuan! Sebenarnya, tak dosa pun nak berpayung. Tapi kena sesuai la dengan tempatnya, ye tak? Berpayung tengah padang nampak macam gedisss la pula! 

Okay, beralih ke bukti kedua! 

Perlawanan Bola Jaring dan Bola Sepak berlangsung serentak. Obviously, Bola Sepak sudah tentu cikgu lelaki yang jaga kan? But, believe me or not, cikgu lelaki tu yang berpayung! 


Tak tipu punya! And of course la aku tak dapat sertakan gambar kat sini. Aku cuma pandang dari jauh. Alahai, sedap betul cikgu tu berteduh bawah payung! Aku dan mama kat sini dah macam udang celup garam dah. Tunggu masa aje nak dibakar! Cikgu lelaki tu senang-senang je lepas tanggungjawab dia kat budak-budak. Suruh budak-budak yang jadi pengadil, penjaga masa. Dia pula mengalahkan cikgu perempuan. Terjerit-jerit dari luar padang, pegang payung! Apa cer?

Sumpah lawak!

Masalahnya bukan cikgu spesis lembut pun. Confirm tulen sebab dah kahwin dan ada anak dah pun! Jadi, makanya dengan ini, sudah terbukti lah bahawa payung bukan sahabat baik perempuan! Cukup-cukuplah aku dengar ayat lazim tu. Dah naik bohsa sangat dah! Tolonglah cari modal lain. Dah basi!

Monday, October 24, 2011

PART1: Aku pun hodoh juga!

As-salam =)

Dah lama sangat rasanya aku tak post dalam Bahasa Malaysia, kan? Tiba-tiba rasa rindu! Post dalam BM ni lebih senang nak express feeling. Oh, sudah! Dah jadi ‘bahasa rojak’ daa... Haha inilah akibatnya kalau lidah terlatih dengan satu perkara saja. Jadi sikit kekok! Tulis dalam BM pun ayat susah nak keluar ‘bahasa pasar’. Asyik-asyik ‘bahasa baku’. Hmm..

24.10.2011 – 12.45 tengahari :
Aku masih di sekolah, berehat-rehat di Bilik Sakit yang mama dan aku hias. Pedih rasanya muka ni dek bahang sang matahari. Sg. Petani dah makin panas sekarang. Pukul 10.00 pagi pun teriknya hingga menangkap ke kepala. Pening! Asyik-asyik expose to sunlight! Kalau hari-hari macam ni, bila baru boleh aku cerah balik?

Mama baru aje kol aku, minta aku ke naik ke kelas 3 Maju. Sesi bergambar la! What else? Mama minta aku tangkap gambar ruang-ruang kelasnya. Mama sangat eager, seolah-olah macam satu arahan pula! Haha. ‘kau tak buat, kau mati!’. Takutnya! So, aku pun dengan malasnya melangkah ke blok sebelah dan naik ke tingkat satu. Tangkap gambar sikit (ambil syarat jek!) then turun balik ke Bilik Sakit.

Mata aku tertancap ke satu sudut. 


Aku teringat lagi satu kejadian yang berlaku sembilan tahun lepas di pondok rehat tu. Aku, Jannah, Bariah dan Nadhirah memang empat sekawan. Anak pegawai, so seolah-olah kami ni already build up a team. Lebih serasi. Plus, hidup pun  berjiran. Sembilan tahun lepas, aku berumur 12 tahun. Aku sangat hodoh – berbadan besar, mata sepet, berkulit gelap, gigi tak tersusun, bau badan, kurang cerdik, tak aktif, kurang berkemahiran, dll. Dalam selection untuk persembahan Hari Anugerah Cemerlang, nama aku langsung tak tersenarai. Sedih! Sedangkan kawan-kawan aku yang lain semuanya dipanggil untuk persembahan tersebut. Tinggallah aku sorang-sorang terkontang-kanting.

Aku kecil hati! Aku sangat terasa!

Bukan salah kawan-kawan, tapi salah cikgu yang menilai! Bila dah dewasa dan bakal menjadi seorang guru, aku lebih faham kenapa cikgu tak pilih aku. Cuma, kata-kata yang cikgu tersebut lontarkan pada aku ketika tu membuatkan aku lebih mengasingkan diri. Aku tak yakin! Aku malu dengan diri sendiri! Di pondok itulah aku menangis semahu-mahunya. Aku tak peduli budak-budak lain yang lalu-lalang. Persetankan!

Bila di IPG, satu kejadian yang hampir serupa berlaku pada aku. Aku terus teringat kejadian masa di sekolah dulu. Kejadian ni lah! Aku seolah-olah hilang keyakinan diri. Aku kembali rasa hodoh! ... and major looser! Bukan mudah untuk aku bangkit semula dari kejatuhan. Tak mudah! Masa yang aku ambil sangat panjang dan kadang-kadang aku terbawa-bawa perasaan tu. Aku tak professional!

Di usia yang hampir mencecah 22 tahun, perlahan-lahan aku bina keyakinan aku terhadap diri sendiri. Aku mula sayangkan diri dengan beri lebih peluang untuk aku perbaiki kesalahan. Aku belajar untuk kurangkan sikap ‘perfectionist’. ‘Perfectionist’ sebenarnya hanyalah alasan yang aku reka bagi menutup kelemahan aku mengawal emosi, terutama apabila masyarakat di sekitar bercerita tentang kekurangan diri aku. Aku selalu ingat yang aku mampu memuaskan hati pelbagai pihak dalam satu masa, tapi tak! Aku salah! Aku bukannya Malaikat. Sedangkan Nabi-nabi terdahulu pun berbuat dosa kepada Allah S.W.T, inikan pula hamba biasa di akhir zaman. 

Coaching or Courting?

As-salam =)

Coaching and courting is two different things. I believe most of people who coach can’t court well, at least not on the same time. I am an empire for today, for a closed netball game between four houses. The team player is a mixing students of 9, 10, 11 and 12 years old. I really do not know how to empire well, seriously. I always thought of what my coach said about courting a primary school game –

“Don’t minimise your skill level. If not, you somehow might forget to maximise it up. And they will never learn!”

But, in my case, my player are mostly 9 years old students and never been expose to the game – theirs first game. It is more likely a ‘tangkap muat’ game. Mom said that I really ‘cannot go’ into the game. I stood there and not confident about what and how to blow, what penalty should I give, where and when. Sigh! So much to learn!

Confident of courting, so out! Yes, I admit! I always have second thought. I am too afraid that I might not satisfy both teams. I am too afraid to make mistakes. There is an incident where I can clearly ‘stepping’ right in front of me, in my courting side. I was about to blow but the game is still on as they were passing around, almost enter the ‘goal zone’, so I thought of giving ‘advantage’ to the leading team, but suddenly a player shouted,

“Cikgu, dia gerak kaki! Cikgu, dia gerak kaki!”
I just blow – out load.
“Gerak kaki. Bola Merah”, I reply.

I was angry at myself and a bit of disappointment. I cannot apply the skill, the theory I learnt. I was shocked, confused, and afraid – mixing.

Me and my mom, we don’t compromise of where to court. She blows in my zone, and I sometimes blow in hers. Maybe she’s not confident of me courting and guarding the game? Well, she should be. I don’t really understand the rules, especially when it comes to positioning.
My mistake. I spent my whole night watching movies, online, blogging, browsing and read news rather than have my homework done – read the netball law book. Haha. I screwed myself up!

Well, this is what my first courting experience is like. Mistakes and lack of confident are common to newbie, like me. I wish that I could get some more opportunities to court a netball game. Below are some pictures during the game. Enjoy!

First game. My first courting.

On play. Contact from behind.

Counting the score.

Finale. Between Blue and Yellow team

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Empiring a Netball game

As-salam =)

I had just finished my three days O-Level courting course. It is all about empiring and courting a netball game. The course consists of 20 contact hours of theory and 6 hours of practical. Believe it or not, this is my first time courting a netball game. And, I am so nervous! It is rather obvious that I startled on my first try. I keep telling myself about what to do, where to focus and w-s-f! And, on my second try, which is today, I did even worse! I can't even remember which team should take center-pass. Silly!

Netball is not new to me. I play since primary school at the age of 11. I was not good back then, but I slowly pick up skills and build some more. I can play but can't play well. To be honest, I don't think I can really excel the game. Seriously! I don't have the guts to compete in the game. A friend of mine, she advised me like twice or more to really be in the game, meaning give commitments - join exercise and tournament. I just can't follow.

If you ask me, either courting or coaching, which one will I pick? Then, I'll go for coaching instead. I can coach. I've been following and helping my mother coaching since 13 years old. I build myself confident from that. Yet, I can't really show my true colour here - IPG! Not even during Micro and Macro Teaching! 

General skills build up - teamwork! 

And let's the game begins!

These are some of pictures during SKKLT's netball training on Mac. I was there, helping my mom courting the game. I somehow do some coaching, especially on the warm-up thing, some stretching, and just it! I do more on the baby-sit job and this unpay duty - photographing! 

Tomorrow, the mother asks and slightly force me to help her courting a netball game at her school. Even though this is just a closed tournament, I already feel the tense! Oh, my... Wish me luck, okay? I am totally nervous! And I can't barely sleep.

Haha. Nutcase! 

Happy 4th month Birthday!

As-salam =)

Happy holiday, you guys! I am currently at my home, my room to be exact! Oh, home sweet home! =) I am totally eager to get home as my mother had recently adopted two pet kittens, about  Nice! I really do love cats. Kittens also okay. Old, dirty, sick, bleeding cats.. honestly, I don't mind. But, for sick cats, sometimes I lost the guts to cuddle or treat them as I really can't stand blood, wounds, cuts, etc. I might just fainted or vomit, like seriously. 

So, here are some pictures I snapped just now as I reached home. I ran upstairs, eagerly looking for them since mom refuses to sent me MMS. =(

Dont laugh! Her name is 'Gege'

His name is 'Boboy'

Superb playful and naughty Boboy

Such curious cats. Look at how they stare!

Okay, for the name thing, obviously 'Gege' and 'Boboy' are named after their gender - 'Gege' for girl and 'Boboy' for the boy cat. But, why 'Gege'? Why don't we just call her 'gegirl' instead of 'gege'? Haha. Personally, 'gege' sounds more cute to me! 

AND, less common! =) 

AND, a lot better than 'Prince' and 'Princess' (can really tell who wants that kind of nickname - Shasha obviously!)

Ultimate favourite, Gege!

Mom, she totally can't stand Boboy as he had pooped on mat and peed on pillow. On the other hand, Gege is more well behaved - she's soft sometimes! I repeat, SOMETIMES! Meaning, most of time she could just run, jump, sleep, eat, roll over, run and jump some more and repeat the whole thing again - adding more of the running, jumping and rolling thing. LOL!  

I might declare that Gege is going to be the one and only pet, for now. Mom was thought of giving back Boboy to the original owner, her Head Mistress! And, she asked me to convince and persuade her HM to let us adopt her other pet cat - an older female cat with long and thick fur, white in colour (if I am not mistaken!).

But whatever it is, sayonara Boboy! 

To be honest, they are not so cute. Look weird, though! I even sometimes call Gege as 'alien. I mean, just look at her big ears? Haha. So ET!

But I like them. =)

Oh, I almost forgot. Today is their 4th month birhtday! They were born on 23rd June 2011 (this is what HB told us!). Pretty big for 4 months old kitten, don't you think? 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"Excuse me, you have body odor!"

As-salam =)

Body odor is an unpleasant odor that oozes from a person's body. I am positive enough that everybody had experienced body odor. We all have body odor! It is all about how we manage oneself, eliminating the unwanted odor of the body. My experience of the situation is barely about what female friends do to be more hygienic. 

Image Detail

Female, we suffered more of this body odor, especially during the 'full moon' days. Right? Me too! It happens to me like always. Below is a short list about how I manage myself during my 'ladies day' :

Image Detail
  • Bath, like often. Use bubbly soap with refreshing fragrant (I suggest lime or lemon!). Buy yourself a sponge to really get the stubborn odor out of the body (But my idea of buying myself a sponge is to really get this girly feeling. LOL!)
  • Wear clean cloth. OR, if you're in my situation (living at hostel - cutting cost on laundry), once you detect even slightly unpleasant smell coming from the cloth, throw it in the laundry bucket like ASAP! It is a signal of growing bacterias.
  • Use fragrant. I use fragrant like always, even on my weekend at my hostel. By fragrant, I mean NOT APPLYING PERFUME! Just body lotion or deodorant will do! =)

Hear me out girlfriend! It is all about disciplines! 

Bad body odor really means poor disciplines managing the hygiene. It is such a shame that we, girls and women can't even take care of the body properly. If this happens to you, it is a signal that you are not ready with relationship stuffs. Like, trust me!

So, bath always!

Here are some additional tips I found on the internet. So, let's eliminate bad body odor, girls! Start on a self project now!!!! 


  • If you are experiencing unusual body odor, schedule an appointment with your physician. However, while you are waiting to be seen, there are a few strategies for controlling the unpleasant smells: Pour 1 cup of hydrogeine peroxide in your bath water. Wipe the area where the odor is coming from with white vinegar. Finally, in areas that heavy prespriation occurs, use baby or talc powder.

Be better, be more hygienic! 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I only have 3. Oh, make it 4!

As-salam =)

People always brag about, "Oh, you're so my BFF!". And I was like, LOL. It's so obvious that they just say that to look so up-to-date. Sigh! I was not pointing that to a person, just random. =) It is heartache that some people claim to be BFF, yet still stab each other at the back. I had experienced one incident where I thought I had found another BFF, but SUPER NO! 

'til these days, I think I had somehow collected 4 BFF! Haha. 'collected'? Sound like the BFF of mine is not more than a toy. But, obviously, they are not. 


This is NURUL SYUHADA BT ROSLAN. My absolute NO.1 BFF! Been friends about 9 years now. We were so close that she always join my family for a holiday. And same goes to me! I love her and the family. It is obvious that I always appear to be myself in front of her, like all the time. No secret between us, even the private part. =) I am lucky to have her as my BFF. She accepts me for who I am and never question my doing. In fact, when I did something wrong, she would just say, 

"It's ok. Now that you knew and aware of what you did wrong, just don't repeat!"

Most importantly, she never leaves my side. =)


Her name is NURUL HAFIZAH BT JAMIL. We've been friends for like more than three years now. I was rather shocking when she first came to talk to me on something personal even though she barely know me, a week! She's the first person I speak to here when it comes to my personal life. =) She's a good listener and always give good advises about how to deal with the situation. I wish that I could take her further than this, well, like being part of my family. Let's the time decide! =)


His name is KHAIRUL EFFENDI BIN AHMAD. Well, obviously he's not a stranger in my life; he's the fiancée. Even though we always fight, especially when it comes to assignments, but I can't always stay angry at him. He care, he listens, like always. I show my childish side whenever I am with him and he is totally okay with my kind of attitude. But, most importantly, he accepts me for who I am today, ignoring my pass life. He said, 

"If your pass had changed, then you obviously not a woman you are nowadays. And I might not be in love with you". 

<3 <3 <3


She's like a soul mate. She's my saver. She's my SITI SYAFIQAH SYARAH BINTI ZAINAL ABIDIN. A BFF, also my biological sister. Even so she's two years younger than me, but it looks like she's more matured thinking than me. Do I have to explain some more? She's a perfect BFF. Doing deeds without asking for a return. Criteria of a fine BFF quality! =)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

5 SOS 1/2007

As-salam =)

I was on my laptop when a friend of mine starting to chat. He was my schoolmate and also a classmate. He was just being friendly by asking where am I when I suddenly had a feeling of missing my school time and my friends. Things are getting tough these days. Sometimes I wish that I could just get away from this new life of mine for awhile. 

Even though I have met my soul mate and I was rather blessing, but I wish that I could choose both at one time; being in my past (school time) with my soul mate by my side. I would like to add and remove some parts of my entire school time. But, I just knew, it just not going to happened. =)

I never regret of my pass. Because my pass who made me into a woman I am today. I am luckily to face a hard situation in my teenage life. I rather have my heart broken earlier than later. 

This is my boring and dead class. But I just love it way too much. 

It's 8.30am, okay! Time to sleep.

Palat (on the right) had finally awake from his beauty sleep LOL

Talking about 'nasi lemak'

Okay, nasi lemaks are here! Pay! Pay! Pay!

My class consists of 11 boys and four girls. We were the only class of Social Science at the time (always will be!). Its funny how I can really survive this kind of situation. =) Well, believe me or not, I was always on top of my class, even though I never study, like seriously! Haha.

Let me tell you a secret, I had a '8' for my SPM Additional Mathematics, yet I was on top of my class. Still. Haha. Imagine! Dead class, isn't it? But, that's what people always say,

"You can never have two Einsteins in a school"

So, that's why we Science Social people being so humble and low - giving way to Einstein. Haha. But for me,

"They are my Einsteins. They care for me, care for each and everybody in the class of 5 SOS 1/2007. They were shoulders to cry on. They were my bodyguards and Dr. Love".

But, my kind of life nowadays is like,

You fall, you fall on your own.
You achieved glory, you said it was your own.
You talk nice, but behind you just talking shit
You act like care, but you just don't care

Home made Skin Bleaches

As-salam =)

Bleach the skin, how does it works? And what make it works? I've seeing this one beauty center advertising about 'bleaching'. They claim to enlighten the body skin through this procedure called 'bleach' technique. With what, I don't really know. Laser, perhaps? After all, I can guarantee you that most customers eager to get fast result. Right? That's why they paid the beautician for.

Fast result but too many side effects are not worth paying for. So, let's get traditional. Use natural remedies that can easily find in our kitchen. For this, you might need:

  1. Orange peels
  2. Raw milk
  3. Almonds
  4. Honey
  5. Few grams of flour
  6. Tumaric
  7. Lemon/lime juice
  8. Milk cream
Read the following instructions:
(This are several methods that readers can do. Your choice!)

  1. Make a citrus paste to lighten your skin. Take the peels of oranges and dry them in the sun until hard. The citric acid in orange (and lemon) is said to have bleaching properties. Grind the fully dried peels into a fine powder. Add raw milk to the powder to make a paste. Apply the paste to your skin one to two times daily, leaving on the skin for 10 to 15 minutes. Wash the paste off with warm water when it has dried completely.
  2. Use almonds to make a paste for bleaching skin. Soak almonds in water overnight and peel them in the morning. Make a paste and add a few drops of honey. Apply the paste onto your skin, scrubbing it off thoroughly when it has dried.
  3. Make a paste for lightening skin with gram flour. Mix two spoons of gram flour, a pinch of turmeric, three drops of lemon juice, and a few drops of milk cream into a smooth paste and apply to the skin. Wash thoroughly when the paste has dried. This paste can be applied to the entire body.

Imagine, such a beautiful girl; long healthy hair, fair complexion, drolling body shape, sexy lips, fine attitude ... BUT with dark armpits sit beside you table showed hers by incident. What would you think? If I were in her shoes, I would pack up my things, wrap the food I ordered and leave. It is so embarrassing for a girl or a woman to have 'not-so-beautiful- armpit. Yes, people can argue about why should a female (when it comes to armpit, people will easily appointed to female rather than male) have a clean and beautiful armpit (no dark shades). 

One point can answer it all.

  1. Most of women will get married some day. Do you want the husband to see the dark shades of your armpit? When one get intimate, armpit is one of the sensual part of the women body. Remember that!
Well, I think I clearly made my point. =) Women with hair pits (I referred here as long armpit - more than 1 cm long) is a type of women whom are poor in hygiene. Think about the body odour. Yucks! 

Here, I attached some of related websites for readers further reading about the topic. It is so cool that you can actually do some experiments to one same idea, 'bleach'.

Read more: 

With Allah will, I do researches about how to choose deodorants. Okay? Sharing about this beauty stuffs are a total fun for me. =) 

Until next time.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Blog walking and 'OH, MY!'

As-salam =)

I spend my weekend by blog walking - a new habit of mine and newly developed. I found this blog about a married couple. She always wrote about the holidays and honeymoons, obviously - people usually have only one honeymoon in a short time of period, but not her. Shockingly, she had uploaded some of her honeymoon pictures - kissing picture and an after 'project' picture on her SIDERBAR. Well, it is not actually an exact 18SX kind of picture, but what bothers me much is that, she should at least remove it since she's wearing hijab, a mother to a daughter and a son. 

What would the daughter says if she actually seeing one - picture of own parents get intimate or after intimated? Suddenly, I get the feeling of how tough  my work as a teacher will be, facing this kind of situation where sexual activities is not well-covered by the parents. Not most child will ask the parents about what they were doing and why they were doing that. Most will just shut up and left with a less respect towards the parents, like seriously. And end up asking teachers at school about the parents activities, OR perhaps they would try it themselves with friends. Oh. Headache!

Teachers, parents and the authorities should really do something about this. Care more of every single thing you did, especially for parents. 

Now, I realize how tough a job of a mother, father, husband and wife can be. I am not only a teacher, but might be a wife and a mother as well. I seek for Allah S.W.T forgiveness, pray for patient and strength. I am weak. I need His Bless on every works I did.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bedak sejuk

As-salam =)

I was thought about making my own 'bedak sejuk'. Rather than buying it, I think it is appropriate for me to make mine, adding stuffs as I please. I was searching for 'rahsia kecantikan wanita jepun' on the internet when I found this link about the resemblance between this Japan's beauty product, called 'Miracle Water' and Malay traditional beauty enhancer, the 'bedak sejuk'. 

Technically, this Miracle water from the brand of SK II is extracted from rice itself, same as beduk sejuk by the process of fermentation. So, why waste such money on exactly same thing? To be honest, I do love wear this Malay traditional beauty product. It helps lighten my facial skin, especially the sun-burn part! But, of course, not everybody get the same result and suit with such product, even the expansive one. 

For those who have not see this bedak sejuk, here they are:

Image Detail

Image Detail

This is how it looks like! White in color, tear-in-shape. I never made one! But, I am totally eager to try it this coming semester break. =) Yeay, I am a maniac! I knew that! I am a total obsess about this D-I-Y thing! I rahter blend my own body scrub rather than buying it at the supermarket. Haha.

I may look modern and so up to date on the outside, but as a person, I still believe in some traditional (and slightly superstitious) believes; 'petua-petua Melayu', 'pantang larang'.  I believe that as a youngster, it is important for us to know this traditional stuffs. One day we might need it and I could pass it on to my next generation. =)

I sound matured, don't I?

Haha. It's funny how somebody like myself, at the age of early 20th can really think beyond 50 years time. Haha. My biological age must really told it different! Just the opposite. 

Well, until the next post. Farewell then, dear readers! =)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Brain day O-U-T!

As-salam =)

It's nice! Just nice, to sometimes do dating. =) I was all packed with this educational stuffs tucked inside my tiny head. Oh, all cramped up, like seriously! I off to watch this 'Three Musketeers' on superb Wednesday - half price ticket - at TGV Seberang Prai, Penang. An interesting plot, perfect for distress. Haha. Distress! So my favorite word! 

10.15pm, I am drinking this hot green tea and wearing hot-chocolate mask. Soothing! As a conclusion, my evening for today was a superb! I spoil myself with bunch entertainments and masks. Haha. I don't even use my brain for today! Nice one, brain! Finally, you can take a break from something major. 

I believe my brain had suffered a lot this last two weeks; mental torture! I heard it whispered, 'Oh, stop this non-sense at once! What's up with all the micro-macro teaching? Give me a break!'. Freaky, isn't it? This is the first time I heard my brain whispers. She said that she had enough! Well brain, so am I! 

People said 'water' is a very good and resourceful food brain. Meaning, when the brain gets tired, just drink up plain water to supply additional oxygen to the brain in order to make it stay in function - rational in decision making. Well, works for exam, but, in my kind of case, plain water is not so helpful at all. Plain water make it even worst. My brain need rest! Like, 24/7 rest!

So, that's what I did, just now. I go out, have fun - left my brain at hostel to rest! Haha. Have a nice and good rest, dear brain! I'll pick you up tomorrow, okay?

Night2 brain!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My love divided by three

As-salam =)

I had found my strength for today. Yeay! I was so excited to go back to the hostel later this afternoon as I coincidently bummed onto this little kitty early this morning. My expression was like, 'Oh, precious! She's so adorable!'. And seriously, she does look adorable playing with herself. She's only at about 8cm tall. Come on, isn't it cute? 

I put down my begs and other stuff, went to the restroom and start searching for them. By them, I meant the little kitty and her brothers and sisters. Actually, I aware that the mummy kitty had delivered them barely about a month ago here at our side of restroom. The mummy being so protective that she scratched my legs. Since then, I never go near her and the babies, not until today.

Here, I attached some photos of them. So cute, my precious!

Hehe.. yeay.. I know, I know! They are superb cute, right? Cats, really are cute! By looking at them, I felt distress. There is a story about Nabi Muhammad S.A.W and a cat. When it is time to perform solah, Muhammad S.A.W, he went for wudu'. And by the time he's about to pray, he saw a cat sleeping on his pray mat (sejadah). He was so pity towards the cat that he could not even dare to wake it up, so he find himself a scissor and cut the pray mat, cutting the side that the cat sleep on and start to perform solah. This shows that Muhammad S.A.W really care for and love the cats. He do not even dare to wake a cat up, even to perform solah. 

What about us?

Reflect oneself. I too sometimes being harsh towards cats. I was rushing, especially on morning as I always wake up late. And that is when cats always come to my room asked for foods. And I would say, 'Sorry cats! I am a total late! Come later!'. Feeding cats don't take plenty of time. Just grab the foods, pour, close the lid and... that's it! 

I am a total jerk! I felt guilty for that. Since then, I trained myself to always feed cats first (if they are around) before going to bath and perform my solah. 

Well, I hope you guys learn something about my entry. Until next time. =)

How to be yourself?

As-salam =)

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. 

Being yourself is celebrating you, as an individual - learning to express yourself and be happy with who you are. For some people, it's learning to love yourself, for others, it's not hiding who you are or changing things about you to fit in. So read on to know how to express the inner you.


   1. Define yourself. You can't be yourself if you don't know, understand, and accept yourself first. It should be your primary goal to find this out. Try to take time to yourself and contemplate your life and choices. Try to think about what kind of things you would or wouldn't like to do, and act accordingly; finding out through trial and error helps more than you might think it does. You can even take personality tests, but be careful to only take what you want from them and not let them define you. Work on accepting mistakes and choices you've made; they're done and in the past, so there is no use crying over spilled milk.

   2. Stop caring about how people perceive you. The fact is, it really doesn't matter. It's impossible to be yourself when you're caught up in wondering "Do they think I'm funny? Does she think I'm fat? Do they think I'm stupid?" To be yourself, you've got to let go of these concerns and just let your behavior flow, with only your consideration of others as a filter — not their consideration of you. Besides, if you change yourself for one person or group, another person or group may not like you, and you could go around in a vicious cycle trying to please people; it's totally pointless in the end, and it leaves you exhausted. However, if someone you trust and respect critiques aspects of who you are, feel free to judge (honestly) whether or not it is accurate instead of accepting or dismissing the critique unconditionally.

   3. Be honest and open. What have you got to hide? We're all imperfect, growing, learning human beings. If you feel ashamed or insecure about any aspect of yourself — and you feel that you have to hide those parts of you, whether physically or emotionally — then you have to come to terms with that and learn to convert your so-called flaws into individualistic quirks. Be honest with yourself, but don't beat yourself up; apply this philosophy to others, as well. There is a difference between being critical and being honest; learn to watch the way you say things to yourself and others when being honest.

   4. Relax. Stop worrying about the worst that could happen, especially in social situations. So what if you fall flat on your face? Or get spinach stuck in your teeth? Learn to laugh at yourself both when it happens and afterwards. Turn it into a funny story that you can share with others. It lets them know that you're not perfect and makes you feel more at ease, too. It's also an attractive quality for someone to be able to laugh at themselves and not take themselves too seriously!

   5. Develop and express your individuality. Whether it's your sense of style, or even your manner of speaking, if your preferred way of doing something strays from the mainstream, then be proud of it... unless it's destructive to yourself or others. Be a character, not a type.

   6. Have a productive day. Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and that some days you are the statue. People might raise eyebrows and even make fun, but as long as you can shrug and say "Hey, that's just me" and leave it at that, people will ultimately respect you for it, and you'll respect yourself.

   7. Believe in who you are. If you're always working to be someone you're not, you'll never be a happy person. Be yourself and show the world you're proud of the way you are! Nobody knows you better than you and that's how it should be. You deserve to be your own best friend, so start trying to figure out how you can do that. If you had to hang out with yourself for a day, what is the most fun type of person you could be, while still being yourself? What is the best version of you? Believe in this idea and use that as your starting point. Love and accept yourself as you are now.

   8. Follow your own style. The common thing a lot of people do is copy other's actions because it seems like the better route to fit in, but really, shouldn't you stand out? Standing out is very hard, yes, but you need to try avoid assuming other people's perspectives of you. Even if it's not something you would normally do; that's what being yourself is all about. Maybe you like to sit outside on the deck under an umbrella in the middle of the rain, maybe you have different ideas of things, rather than other people, maybe you like strawberry cake instead of the common chocolate cake, whatever you are, accept it. Being different is absolutely beautiful and it attracts people to you.


    * There's a big difference between being yourself and being rude.You might have your opinions, dreams, and preferences, but so does everyone else. You shouldn't disrespect people who disagree with you; they have the privilege of being themselves just as you do. Conversely, don't agree with something you honestly don't think is right; just don't try to force your opinions on other people.

    * If fads or trends strike your fancy, don't avoid them! Being yourself is all about reflecting who you are inside in what you do, and what you like is what you like, no matter how trendy it is (or not trendy, for that matter)!

    * As the famous song goes, "Life's not worth a damn, until you can say 'I am what I am.' " When you can sincerely say it, you will know that you can be yourself.

    * If the people you care about are setting standards for you they are trying to change who you are.

    * Even if you are interested in something that doesn't interest most people, don't be afraid or hide it; stand up and show your true inner self. People will know how confident you are.

    * Don't worry about anything but being yourself and living life to the fullest!

    * If you have a habit that helps you escape your worries, e.g gaming or browsing the internet, stop going and face yourself and your insecurities.

    * In some cases, reducing Internet dependency might help you feel more "connected" to yourself. It may be easier to nurture your individuality without the perpetual distractions of the Internet. Try not going online for a while, and if this leads you to start feeling better about yourself, then you may want to consider replacing all the excess time you spend on the Internet with offline activities, such as hobbies or clubs.

    * Think about it this way: Being your weird, goofy self has some ups and downs. Some people might think you're weird, call you names behind your back, or laugh at you. But by far the majority of people will have the utmost respect for you because you are brave enough to stand up to these things. People want to make friends with people who have something special about them: whether they make them feel good, have a different sense of humor, or even something as simple as being a great cook. If everyone on the planet had the same attitude or personality, the world would be a boring place.


    * It needs to be understood that "being yourself" does not have anything to do with forcing yourself to just do whatever you desire or pretending that you don't care how others perceive you. It is actually the process of listening to your inner feelings and maintaining personal integrity. If you are truly uncomfortable with your pimples or your size and that is impeding your self esteem, work on these things. If you are constantly getting angry and this makes you feel alienated, work on it.

    * Just because you don't care about how people perceive you doesn't mean you shouldn't be aware of it, especially in situations where being yourself might be misinterpreted. For example, you might enjoy being friendly and flirtatious, but in some cultures, that might be perceived as a sexual invitation, and you could get yourself in trouble.

    * Don't lose yourself when you're with other friends. Be yourself. Don't be someone else so other people will like you; in the end, you would end up hurting other people and losing yourself.
    * Don't think that being yourself means that you cannot change who you are. You want to be a person that you can be proud of, so if there is some way you can improve yourself, go for it. Don't allow your shortcomings to discourage you, but don't ignore them either.

    * Make sure that you can show the same "you" to everyone consistently. If you feel the need to be secretive about something wrong you've done, you are not really being yourself; it will show and misunderstandings will occur. Do what's right. You cannot truly be yourself unless you can face yourself.

    * Keep in mind that 'being yourself' is not always the right thing to do. Would you tell a despicable person to just be himself and not change a thing? No. Most of the time when people in general perceive you a certain way, it means you don't fit in to your society. Whether you want to fit in or not is up to you, but you are only setting yourself up for trouble when you neglect society's ways. (That is, unless you decide to live in a cave for the rest of your life.)

    * Nobody is perfect. However, if you are outrageously flawed (for example, have a short temper), then you should look into some self-improvement rather than ignoring everyone's cues and "being yourself." Don't deny yourself of the truth by saying it's everyone else's problem and not yours. You'll only be hurting yourself in the long run.

    * While you're being you, remember that "you" might have your flaws that might need to be changed, but only for the better (materialistic things/personality do not count, such as your favorite bag that everybody ridicules, or if you talk quietly). Goals and bad habits count. Say, you have bad acne and you've been stressing on it for a while. Don't say "well, 'I' have bad acne, and I want to be myself, so I'll give up on getting rid of it." Or if you have some bad habits, don't say "it's a part of me, that's the way it is," because you can still change yourself for the better and in ways which will make you grow.

    * Being yourself can be cool and can get people to notice you, but don't overdo it. Sometimes it's good to just go with the flow and not stick out like a sore thumb

    * Try not to mock people different to you; for all you know others could be making fun of you! Be better than them by setting an example.

    * Remember, everyone is showing you a mirror of yourself! You have 100% responsibility for yourself and your actions!

Tattion tab

As-salam =)

I think I have a issue here. I barely noticed that I've became a total freak about beauty. I obsessed about oral consumption. Yes, a total obsess! I found this pill - not a magic pill. Haha. 

'Tattion Tablet'

For those who are interested, kindly read the benefits I listed below:

Benefits :
a) Improves pigmentation of the skin such as melasma, scars, improper
chemical peel and post chicken pox.
b) It helps the skin look smoother and achieve even color.
c) It is an anti oxidant and enhances liver function.
d) It also helps cure diseases of the eye such as disorder of eyeball tissues, cornea,
cataract and optic nerve.

Eye catching, isn't it? I've been searching for the range price and found nothing. I am eager to try one! Like, seriously! Don't you want a healthy, clear and glowing skin? I know I do. Here is the link to an online shop selling this Tattion Tab.

But, my advise, whenever we want to try something new, especially when it comes to oral consumption, do this simple guideline first:

  1. Check the ingredients
  2. Check self allergies
  3. Find more information about the products - the price, where to buy
  4. Read several testimonials
Seriously, it is important to always do this guideline. But, this is my kind of guideline whenever I look and browsing stuffs, especially when I browse and plan to buy something online. Feel free to add or remove the items on the guideline's list.

Happy reading =)