Sunday, January 22, 2012

Setiap orang mesti tahu dan ambil tahu!

As-salam =)

Utusan Malaysia hari ini memaparkan kisah kanak-kanak lemas dipukul ombak deras di Pantai Sepat, Kuantan. Dua mati lemas, tiga terselamat, manakala seorang lagi dalam keadaan yang kritikal. Siapa sangka agenda untuk berkelah dan mandi-manda sekeluarga boleh bertukar menjadi agenda yang terburuk dalam masa yang singkat.

Utusan 23 Januari 2012

Lelaki dipercayai ahli keluarga cuba menyelamatkan mangsa

Apa yang aku cuba sampaikan ialah, adalah perlu untuk sekurang-kurangnya seorang di dalam keluarga itu tahu akan PERTOLONGAN CEMAS! Tetapi, adalah sebaik-baiknya jika kesemuanya mengambil tahu dan lebih prihatin akan cara-cara rawatan ini dilakukan supaya tidak panik. Dalam kes di atas, nasib baik ada juga ahli keluarga yang tahu cara-cara melakukan pertolongan cemas. Sekurang-kurangnya dapat membantu menurunkan tahap panik, terutamanya si ibu. Kalau tidak?

Sebagai bakal guru Pendidikan Jasmani, topik Pertolongan Cemas adalah topik yang wajib dan sebenarnya lebih kepada topik yang diulang. Kertas Diploma dan Ijazah, masing-masing ada menyentuh mengenai topik ini. Dan, tahun lepas juga ada dianjurkan Kursus Pertolongan Cemas yang memuatkan cara-cara untuk melakukan CPR, luka dan balutan, dan lain-lain.

Aku terfikir, walaupun aku sudah pun mengikuti kursus, tapi adakah aku mempraktikkan apa yang diajar? Dalam keadaan panik, bolehkah aku menterjemahkan apa yang aku belajar? Aku jadi was-was. Takut pun ada! Buku panduan pun mungkin masih ada cuma entah ke mana. Sayangnya baru sekarang terbit rasa menyesal. 

I am way far to be one best teacher!

(Sila klik sini untuk berita penuh)

Okay, semuanya nak ikut orang!

As-salam =)

Bila sudah namanya perempuan, memang sungguh irrational bila bab kecantikan, setuju? Kebanyakannya lah kan..terutamanya bila pilih baju, kasut, tudung, accessories atau barang make-up! Aku? Of course lah aku termasuk dalam senarai ni. LOL. So, since today aku sangat lapang, aku mula blog-walking. Objektif utama ialah untuk 'merisik-risik' pasal beauty segments. Satu perkara yang aku masih tak mampu untuk get it right ialah berkenaan dengan concealer & foundation. Sigh! Muka jenis kering ni kalau silap sapu boleh nampak kesan menggelupas tu. Itulah masalah terbesar aku sekarang. But, by foundation, I don't mean it to be something thick macam untuk ke majlis-majlis besar. Cuma sesuatu yang ringkas dan mudah dipakai sehari-hari.

Kalau dulu, aku memang pengguna setia produk Mustika Ratu. Dari penjagaan rambut, hinggalah ke alat solek. But, propa je lebih 'cause aku cuma beli set shampoo dan alas bedak :p

Image Detail
Kuning langsat untuk kulit normal/kering

Overall, produk ni memang produk yang paling sesuai dengan kulit aku ^ ^ Tak nampak heavy macam off-occasion! Dan yang paling penting, kulit tak nampak menggelupas dan tahan lama. Habis sahaja satu botol terus beli baru. Harga jual dekat Jusco Perda ialah RM5.90 sahaja, okay? ..dengan menggunakan Kad Jusco, of course! Hehe. But, in some kiosk, you may find the price is nearly RM10.00. Cekik darah, kan? Dah setahun rasanya tak guna alas bedak ni, tapi bukan sebab tak elok ke apa. Cuma sangat malas dah nak keluar bersiap lebih-lebih. Cukup sekadar krim dan bedak kompak. Krim tu pun already have sun-block. So, sayonara sun-block. Bedak kompak pun nipis-nipis sahaja - tujuan untuk ratakan krim dan bagi tahan lama.

Tapi, rasanya macam nak cuba jenama lain jugak! Teruja tengok BB CREAM yang berlambak di pasaran. Dah survey beberapa jenama. Tukang promot barangan ni kebanyakannya comel-comel belaka, so rasanya aku memang dah termakan dengan umpan tu. Even though aku sedia maklum tentang perbezaan kulit, tapi aku gigih jugak budget untuk beli benda-benda tu.

Image Detail

Image Detail


Semuanya dalam pemerhatian aku sekarang ni. For tonight, aku jadi sangat tertarik dengan COLOR NATURATOR, ok? Ada satu blog ni telah memuatkan entri tentang macam mana nak apply this thing. Untuk tutorial tu, beliau telah menggunakan item CODE 171. Penggunaannya lebih untuk menutup 'mata panda' kita semua, terutamanya anak gadis yang masih belajar - tidur tak cukup tu adalah mesti!. Hasilnya, sangat mengagumkan! Seriously, aku terpaku!



TAPI, lepas make-up, memang so cute and looks so damn natural! For now, really tak putuskan lagi nak carry on dengan jenama apa. But, despite of all three brands, I may say this 'Baviphat' leads the way. Sekarang kan 'demam Korea', so everything much looks at least almost the same. Paling cikai pun kena ada barang-barang (terutamanya alat solek!) ala-ala Korea. Definately not me lar! Aku dah tak beli barang ikut trend semasa semata-mata. Banyak yang perlu ditimbang tolak sebab beli barang untuk pakai lama.

(Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai produk COLOR NATURATOR, klik sini)

So, until it is decided, you go browse yourself about which brand suits you best! Ini sebagai cadangan sahaja ^ ^ dan sebagai penghilang bosan di Malam Tahun Naga. 


Saturday, January 21, 2012

(Tiada tajuk)

As-salam =)

Aku selalu takut akan ketibaan Hari Kiamat. Terbayang anak yang menangis sorang-sorang, sekalian manusia berkeliaran tak tahu arah tuju, bangunan runtuh, wanita yang mengandung beranak sambil berlari. Itulah imaginasi seorang kanak-kanak, iaitu aku sewaktu aku berumur 9 tahun. Aku teringat lagi tentang petanda seseorang itu akan mati yang kawan aku sampaikan (tak ingat nama, ok!). Dia cakap, "Ha ha.. mata putih awak dah ada warna biru sikit-sikit. Awak dah nak mati!". So, masa itu aku sangatlah percaya. Menangis aku kat situ jugak sebab takutnya pada mati. Sesiapa aje bila bicarakan tentang 'meninggalkan dunia' akan terus cuak. Jarang sekali orang nak suka atau seronok kerana masing-masing tahu 'bekalan' masih lagi tidak mencukupi. Ada juga ketika bila waktu 'insaf' tu datang, aku akan mengaji (masa tu masih Muqaddam) dan berbuat baik sepanjang hari.

Tapi, bila fikir-fikir balik, "Ustaz cakap nanti akan ada satu golongan yang kepalanya berbonggol seperti unta. Itu tanda Kiamat hampir tiba". So, aku kembali ke rutin harian. Tahun 1999 masih tak nampak kelibat wanita 'berbonggol unta'. Kira macam bersanggul tinggilah. Wanita berambut panjang, sengaja diikat tinggi rambutnya itu. Bagi yang berambut pendek pula, dipakainya 'sanggul palsu' supaya tudungnya nampak lebih terletak dan kemas. Kononnya! 

Carian Google: Sanggul palsu

Carian Google: Sanggul palsu juga!

Hadith nya adalah seperti berikut. 

Persamaan bonggol unta dan trend sekarang

So, sudah sedia maklumlah tentang kebanjiran bonggol-bonggol unta ni. Ini menandakan Kiamat sudah semakin hampir. Beralih ke tanda Kiamat seterusnya iaitu bunyi dari perut Bumi. Tak silap aku seperti ngauman yang dikatakan di dalam Al-Quran. Hari ini (21/1/2012), aku terbaca satu post mengenai 'suara aneh' di Kota Samarahan di blog ini. Aku pun Google search untuk maklumat lanjut. Ya Allah! Kita kini selangkah lagi menuju Kiamat. Aku takut! Aku pun masih tak cukup bekalan ke sana. Paling penting ialah, aku masih berstatus 'Bujang'. Jika ditakdirkan Allah S.W.T , aku tergolong dalam golongan hamba-Nya di penghujung nyawa Bumi, izinkan aku mati sebagai seorang isteri. Ini bukan soal gatal nak kahwin ke apa, cuma lebih besar syafaatnya sebagai seorang isteri. Cita-cita aku ialah untuk mati sebagai seorang isteri. 

Coretan ini ikhlas dari aku. Aku tulis dengan hati. 


Sebarkan cerita ini supaya lebih ramai yang tahu tentang betapa hampirnya Kiamat dengan kita.  Aku tak sempurna. Jauh sekali alim. Aku masih berbatu-batu dari Al-Jannah Mu. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Thanks NurulBadiah Lai ^ ^

As-salam =)

It was just another day for me. Sitting at home, doing home-chores as always and eat. I logged in into my blog and scroll down my dashboard and saw this one entry about 'How to be strong?'. She claims that one of her readers had told her one sad story about her life journey - about how tough it was that sometimes she thought of giving up. I scanning the entry and only look for important part (I always like that! ^ ^). But, then I realized something. 

"I am living one good life here and sometimes I don't realize that!"

A friend of mine, she told me about how lucky I am to get the chance to spend time with my mother, go shopping, family holidays, go around Malaysia, having a family reunion, etc. Yet, her mother do not even go to shopping mall since not feeling so well. I smell the enviousness somehow. Deep down, I am empathy for her situation, really. 


She have something I don't.

"She have one strong relationship with the grandparents (both sides) that she could lay down on her grandma, race with her, gossiping... something that I don't usually do with mine".

Merciful Allah S.W.T. Allah know best about us. He had planned for a better one. What count is life upon death. Maybe my life is not best after all. Failure, sickness, poorness are some the signs of Allah, about how He remains us to always remember Him, to show His love. And as one of the ways for us to be forgiven on sins we made. 

So, what made me so special, then? We are all the same. Happy life, sad life, life full of struggle... are life worth living for. Because what counts is life beyond - AKHIRAT. 

Most important thing is, "TO LIVE FOR ALLAH S.W.T"

For now on, set our mind to live for Allah S.W.T. InsyaAllah. It is not easy to do so. But, pray hard for Allah. Nothing is impossible by the help of Allah S.W.T. 

I had some plans that had been on my mind for quite sometimes. It was my plan in three of four years times. May Allah have His Mercy on me.  

Monday, January 16, 2012

Not yet married.

As-salam =)
I am not yet married. But sort of engaged. In Islam, the moment the man express his thought to have her as his wife, the woman is considered to be engaged, even with no witness and writing. I have a story to share with you guys. We went to dinner just now. I really do not know how to dress tonight. I pull one of my unfolded long sleeve shirt out of my basket. I thought this baby blue would be nice, just the shirt is short. So, I thought of wearing it along with my skirt-attached pants to cover up my bottom. Okay, decided then. At the restaurant, hubby asks about what am I wearing? I knew it would come out. So, I explain myself of why I have the shirt worn with the pants to cover up my bottom and so on. Then he said, "Sayang, ini bukan seluar. Tapi legging." To cut short the conversation, I translated of the whole thing he said to the man version of talking (just so you know, man always talking indirectly :p) 

Legging is not pants and it looks sexy on me (Okay, since I gained weight. The tight are really showing. The curve is much obvious now!). But what he really means was, I am not suppose to wear that there, at least not to be matched with a short shirt. 

I get his point. InsyaAllah =) I am praying for that, to be more alert or aware about the way I dress and how I handle myself. I am assisting myself now to be a good wife later. Despite of most of thing I did, I try to look it on how a wife should do, should really behave herself.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Like seriously, no guarantee.


I was browsing through my albums of snapshot just now. Most things about me had changed. And some of it just vanished that I started to change into this much mature and grown up a.k.a adult. It’s not that I missed my old self, just I truly grateful to God to have lend me this opportunity to become His better servant :’(

I am grateful to have met him. He changed most things about me, lending his hands for my rise and my fall. I begin to remember about time when my sister and I had this conversation about how mother is truly grateful about me behaved and starting or deciding to have the hijab on. I did know that, just I don’t have a clue about how happy she became and truly grateful to Allah S.W.T.
I begin to wonder, what if things are not like this. Will I stop being a spoil brat at the age of 22? When would I be at the weekend? No idea.
I pray for things to turn well.

I still have the anger inside of me but it’s in control position that I starting to think clearly, most of time minus the ‘full moon’. Just, I can’t help it when it comes to ‘the third person’. I could lose control that I surely will slap or punch her and talk stupid out load and even could spits on her. Don’t try me because there’s no guarantee that I can feel my arms or control my body, like seriously.

But, whatever it is, I pray for it to not happen so that my bad habit will remains a secret until I graduated.

2008 - Raya AidilFitri Jab. PJK IPGKTB

Willingly to wear hijab - 2008
2009 - Not even stylish
2010 - Family dinner

2011 - Present: Full time hijabers. InsyaAllah.

Pray for me.


No room for prejudice.

As-salam =)

(This is what I wrote. Something about friendship 6 JAN 2012)

Sometimes, I wonder, did I know what's the meaning combinations of letter F, R, I, E, N and D? It pronouns as FRIEND, refer to somebody; anybody in life that be there for you most of times, or one at a time.

I have always ending my year or my semester with forgiving people and forgetting bad memories. Sometimes I forgot and slipping the good memories too. As years passed, I became more mature in the way I think and look at things, yet still need some adjustments on certain stages.

Year 2012, is one good year for me to restart of what I’ve been missing for one passed month; friendship. We so busy hating and talking bad about each other’s (sometimes, especially when peak hours). We blame one another, show sour faces, have prejudices, etc. I forgot about how close we were back then. Did you remember about how strong we stood, backing each other up on that night of orientation? It was lovely. And that’s what we’ve been missing throughout these years.

Fiza, Jenab, Mimosa and me, we went to Info Centre this late afternoon to online. We had this really great laugh. There is no room for hate and prejudices. Just us, FRIENDSHIP.

I think I miss you guys more than ever. 

Me and Jenab at Raya 2009
OK, so childish! And even look like one (back at 2009)

One of my happy moment; be with my CHENTA and  BESTIZE

Where I wish things could stay
Cherish the moment together 
Back to a moment when there is only 'immaturity'
My sweet Zoela :)

Only us <3